
Monday, November 29, 2010


I've been thinking for a few days now that I need to write about the YUCKY medical crap (sorry mom) that we have going on here in Hoss's World........just don't know if I want to put it all out there.  It's easy to tell people, easy to send to people in an email but.....writing it on a blog is a whole nother story!!!!!

So I'm gonna give kinda a small overview........DH has been diagnosed with Diabetes which sucks (sorry again mom) but it's tolerable & doable.  We have another problem that we are going next Friday to get a better idea about.  Have to have a biopsy done......this is the one I'm NOT looking forward to & am alittle freaked out about.

See I'm not to sure I'm ready for the news that COULD come with this test.  BUT I know that I have given this problem over to my wonderful LORD & I know that He has a purpose for EVERYTHING that happens to us.  I pray that He will place his blessing on us that we can figure this problem out & if it's His will place his healing hand on DH.  And also give me the strength that I will need to face yet another medical issue.

And on a funnier side is what happens when you give one sweet little girl your camera & she just HAS TO take a picture of DH being a goof ball!!!!!  LOL!!!!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Challenge Update & Voting

Chalk one up on the DH's win board.....I couldn't do it!!!!!  If you remember he challenged me to cut the grocery bill over here..........................AND I lost!!!!  I'm not a very good loser....just letting you know.  I did cut it down to about $65 a week.  But (not that this is any excuse whatsoever) over the past 2 1/2 weeks we have gotten some GREAT deals on meat that kinda thru the whole challenge out the window.

So after the holidays I think we'll try again.

And onto a better note........Hoss made round 2 of the cutest pet contest over here on a local radio station!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!  IF you have a few seconds (really that's all it takes) PLEASE go vote for him.  DH said that IF he wins he gets a winter coat for CHRISTmas & he needs one!!!!!

Friday, November 26, 2010

I am....

the deal woman!!!!!!  But I might have maybe possibly went alittle overboard on the GREAT Colgate Total deals!!!!!  See there was coupons & then the store was ALWAYS having huge deals!!!!!

So..............I'm banned from getting toothpast for awhile!!!!!!!  I think 7 tubes of toothpast will last us alittle while!!!!! LOL!!!!!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Ummmmm hello.....

Company on the way & Hoss gets in the creek AND RUNS!!!!!  This is the towel that cleaned his face & front legs.......why oh why must he do this to me......

AND SOMEONE HAS BEEN INTO MY FIRST HOMEMADE PUMPKIN PIE................this was taken @ 9:00 am this morning!!!

Ummmmmm hello......are you people trying to drive me CRAZY today????

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Going on record

The critters & I would like to go on record that this pile of wood we left on Saturday is still the critters & I will be working up a storm after we Black Friday Shop & we'll finish stacking it!!!!  Or might even stack some tomorrow while DH is slaving away at the grocery store & we are cooking & deep frying turkey!!!!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Yummy Goodies!!!!

If you take this box of unmade goodiness (is that a word?), apply an egg, water & oil, bake for 45 mins..................................................

You end up with this YUMMY YUMMY wipe the drool off your chin VERY healthy snack.....


Sunday, November 21, 2010


Ever wonder what me & the monsters of Hoss's World do on a Saturday...........................

Here is the wood pile we STARTED out with.........

and here is what we ended up with..........

we put a pretty good dent in the pile!!!  Now lets just hope that the monsters Darling Daddy gets some time on Monday to work on it!!!!!!!  Cuz I really don't want to do any stacking towards the end of the week when I'm off!!!!!!!!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Can you say.....


Cuz that's what Hosser is doing before we have to go stack wood in about 30 mins!!!!!!

Friday, November 19, 2010

My Black Friday Sale

MARK YOUR CALENDERS!!!!!!!!!!!  I'm having a Black Friday Deal for all my WONDERFUL Scentsy customers!!!!!!!!

Go HERE to find out all the details!!!!!!  You won't want to miss out!!!!!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Greeneyed Monster

I have sat here & stared at this blank post for probably 15 mins.....I know what I want to write just don't know how to start.  Soooo the best way I know how to start is..........................just to start typing!!!!

I've talked with probably 3 different people about the prolems they are having in their lives.  The unfortunate thing is that we all have problems....some much much bigger (in real life) than others.  We all have been in the valley during sometime in our lives....and we will continue to have times where we coast along in the valley........but we have to remember that those valleys make us stronger.

Lately I have been dealing with way to much!!!  And then on top of EVERYTHING that green eyed monster popped up this week!!!  You know that one that you THOUGHT you had put to rest and low & behold here it comes again.  I get so tired of him coming to bother me.  And it ALWAYS seems that he comes around when I am way down, don't know how I'm going to handle things, wish I could just run away from everything.  He pops up when I have dealt with doctors out the butt, appointments for my DH, trying to comprehend the fact that DH has to go in to the hospital in 3 weeks and have a liver biopsy to see how bad his liver is damaged, its the holidays & the good Lord knows that my family (outside of DH) DOES NOT get along well enough to sit down at a table together without probably throwing a knife at one another, dealing with DH's diabetes, along with the everyday work struggle of.....will I have a job in a few months, have bills to pay, dinner to cook, laundry to do, dog to walk, weight to loose, house to clean, Scentsy to sell, a GREAT team of women that depend on me to help them with their Scentsy business, medicines to pick up, turkey to cook & so on.........I really HATE that green eyed monster!!!!!!

So my thought for the day is that I'm going to find ways to kick the monster out of my life.  I just don't have time for him or any room for him!!!!! I'm punching his exit card from my life!!!!

Monday, November 15, 2010


This is my WONDERFULMOUS hubby!!!!!  He doesn't always have that evil look on his face....he just happened to have been telling me that I was gonna get throwed out of the grocery store cuz I brought my camera in, when I snapped this picture LOL!!!!!!

I love him lots!!!!  For LOTS & LOTS of reasons!!!  I truly think that God put us together so we could equal each other out.  He is the calm, cool, collected one of the 2 of us.  Me....I go 1000 MPM (miles per minute).   He has BEAUTIFUL blue know those dreamy, sexy bedroom blue eyes.  Sorry that might have been TMI...but it's the truth.  He loves me but most importantly he loves God.  And he lives his life everyday to lift God up and that to me makes him even more special!!!! 

Ok enough drooling over my hubby!!!!!!

We made cookies this weekend.....Peanut Butter Oatmeal....for the Hosser.  He hasn't yet decided if he likes them or not.........I'll share the receipe once he figures it out.  LOL!!!!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Gift Basket

I've been working on helping people out with some CHRISTmas shopping.  Here is the Game Day basket I made for those Dads that LOVE some football!!

PLUS this has one of the chalkboard name tags on it I made. 

What do ya think?????


It's very very very hard to wait on cookies to get done!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Challenge Update

Remember my darlin DH's challenge to spend only $50 a week on groceries......if not HERE it is. 

Well last week I did OK....spent $63.16 on groceries.  Not GREAT but OK!!!! 

Now this week HOPEFULLY I'll do alittle better......crudy thing is is that I have to start SLOWLY this week buying Thanksgiving meal stuff!!!!  This is gonna be hard....but hey I'm up for a challenge!!!!

Lady Antebellum - "Hello World" Music Video

Friday, November 12, 2010

Cutest Pet Contest

We have entered Hoss into a cutest pet contest that one of our local radio stations is having.  IF you have time & don't mind PLEASE go HERE & vote for the little cutie!!!!

THANK YOU!!!!!  And Hoss wants me to tell you if you vote for him....he'll give you LOTS of GREAT sugar the next time he sees you!!!!!!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Cheese Dog Cookies

Wellp in my quest to a.....feed all of us better food & try to save us some money I have started making homemade goodies for Hoss.  These are the 1st ones....and he LOVES them!!!!!

And they are soooooooooooo easy!!

2 cups unsifted allpurpose flour
1 1/4 cup shredded cheddar cheese
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
1/2 cup veg oil
5 tablespoons water

Preheat oven to 200 degrees

Combine flour, cheese, garlic & oil in food processor. Cover & mix until mixture is consistency of coarse meal.  With machine running, slowly add water til mixture forms a ball.
Roll dough out to a 1cm thickness & cut with biscuit cutter.  Transfer to ungreased cookie tray.  Bake for about 15-20 mins til lightly browned.  Cool on wire rack.  Refrigerate in airtight container!!!

See they are that simple!!!!!!!!  Now we are gonna try peanut butter oatmeal cookies.....wonder which he'll like the best???? LOL!!!!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Annual trip

We made our annual trip to the Biltmore House to see the lights the other night.  Thought I'd share some of the goodies with you.......

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Deal of the Day

Have I told you that I LOVE CVS!!!  Seriously I am SOOOOOO a CVS girl!!!!  And just to prove it to you here is the receipt...........

Yeppers that $2.06 for Tide liquid (with coupon), 2 Colgate toothpastes (I had 2 coupons), Gain dishliquid, a Dr. Pepper & of course cuz they just put them out for the season one of those CHRISTmas tree Reeces Cups.  Those things make my mouth drool as soon as I see them!!!!

How'd I do & Extra Care Rewards!!!!!  Make sure you sign up for them.....THEY ARE SOOOOOO WORTH IT!!!!!!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Cooked Apples

Wellp' in my attempt to make sure that we are eating WAY better I decided the other day to make some cooked apples.  We needed some for the oatmeal we were having the next morning........and I had extra apples so why not try it!!!!

Seriously it was the easiest thing I've done!!!  Peeled & chopped the apple, mixxed up some Splenda & cinnamon, added the cinnamon mixture, apples & about 2 Tbsp of water to a pan, covered and cooked on about medium low for about 15 mins or until apples are tender.  And BAM....cooked apples.  It was that easy!!!!  Who knew!!!!!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Virtuous Woman


A virtuous woman [is] a crown to her husband: but she that maketh ashamed [is] as rottenness in his bones.

                                                          Proverbs 12:4

So this morning in my few minutes I have before my work day starts, this is the scripture I read, and of course I got to thinking.....What is a virtuous woman???  Am I a virtuous woman?  I looked up and the definiation says......."conforming to moral and ethical principles; morally excellent; upright". 

Over the past few months Proverbs 31 has been on my mind & wanting to be the woman that my DH can be very proud of has been weighing very heavily on me.  I don't want just my DH to be proud of me but to also know the Lord is looking down saying that even though I stumble sometimes "There is a Christian woman who takes care of her family, loves Me, and strives daily to become a better person."

Considering the circumstances that are going on in our family right now, I've learned over the last few months that really it is much more important to take care of your family, to do the things that are asked of you by the Lord, to take a few minutes out of every day to just stop & thank the Lord for the blessings he has given you is way more important than any worldy thing or climbing up any corporate ladder could EVER be!!!!!

So am I a virtuous woman????  I hope so.....but I know I have a long long way to go.  But I'm thinking I'm on the right path & I hope I'm hoping I'm making my DH proud & my Heavenly Father VERy proud!!!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Bath & Body Works

We LOVE LOVE LOVE Moonlight Path Foaming Soap from Bath & Body Works!!!!!  I can NEVER find it instock in the I thought to myself why not check them out online see if they have it instock there........And I got an AWESOME deal on it...........They have 6 Foaming Hand Soap for $20....PLUS I used promo code 20HOLIDAY which took 20% off plus took off $3.99 off the shipping so total was $18.98!!!! After tax I paid $3.41 for each!!! AND I went thru & got 3% back!!!!
If you don't know what is yet......go here and check it out.  You earn $ back from shopping!!!!  Hello what could be better!!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Ingles Sale

Part of my whole feed me & DH challenge for $50 a week is also making sure that we eat more fruits & veggies, less starchy foods, and minimum meats.

So went to Ingles Grocery Store today.......Pears $1.28 a lb, 3 lb bag of Tangerines $2.98,  Goldfish for $1.00 (which is a FREE food on his menu plans....15 fish that is!!!) were all on the list.  Along with a London Broil that was $2.48 a pound....which I am going to cook in the rotisserie tomorrow night......and have it for Thursday night dinner & Saturday sandwhiches.  That's the key....get big enough cuts of meat to use them for 2 meals.  I also got some StoneCut Oats for breakfasts.......the dietician said they were better for us than the regular just nuke them in the microwave packets I have been getting. BUT there is one down fall......said StoneCut Oats take like 20-30 minutes to cook!!!!! LOL!!!!!  Might have to do those the night before!!!!!!

Tonight we are having steaks on the grill that I got for like 1/2 off cuz I looked for the reduced sticker.  I'm cooking them tonight so I'm fine with paying less for a little older piece of meat.

Hoss doesn't really care what I make for dinner or get from the store, just as long as no body takes his pillows he's happy!!!

Tomorrow nights dinner in the rotisserie is gonna be the first time I have ever used it.   Not to sure about times etc......I'll have to report on that one & let you know how it turns out.  I'm gonna soak it in a marinade of Dales Seasoning, Garlic, and a few other seasonings.  I found a recipe online for a marinade that had Dr. Pepper in it.....HELLO that would be HEAVENLY......but to much sugar in it for DH.  So I have to leave it out.  Keeping my fingers crossed!!!!

Monday, November 1, 2010

New Challenge

Alrighty so first have you invested in the very cool, gotta a WHOLE LOT OF COUPONS in it, has VERY INTERESTING stories, it's my FAV can't wait til it comes every month magazine All You !!!!!!!!  Seriously I have gotten a couple of the magazines and I LOVE IT!!!  So I got the November issue today & I have found my new challenge.  Can I feed my family for $50 a week???  That's food, veggies, drinks everything....$50 a week!!!!!  So we are gonna try it!!!!  I get paid every other the plan is take $100 cash out of the check....put it in an envelope & take $50 out on Saturday & grocery shop!!!  That means I can't go back to the grocery store til the next Saturday!!!  DH says oh yeah you can do it!!!!  He doesn't realize it's ALMOST $100 EVERY WEEK that I spend in groceries.

The flip side of this challenge is that I gotta buy veggies etc....good for ya stuff.  But since the doctor has now said that DH is a diabetic......PLUS there are other problems that we are going next week to the doctor to get checked out......this is a challenge that I HAVE TO accomplish!!!!!!  So here is to $25 each in groceries for the week!!!!!!!

And the extra $ going to first pay down doctor bills from previous happenings....and then I'm not to sure what will get paid off!!!!  Tomorrow I'll start us a running total of what the doctor bill balances are......and we'll keep track of them too!!!!!  Oh GREAT BALLS OF FIRE.....this is gonna be fun!!!  Who's up to the challenge with me???????