
Sunday, July 31, 2011

Another Diaper Cake

We had a baby shower yesterday at church.....and as one little sweet redheaded girl told me....I AGAIN made another diaper cake as my gift!!!!  I think I need to figure out a new goodie...cuz she is getting tired of seeing the same thing only a different color!!! LOL!!

The cake was made of the diapers, baby soap, baby lotion, baby wash, a sponge for the little bundle of joy & of course a Scentsy Buddy along with the Newborn Nursery Pak!!!!

I've got one more to make in a few weeks.....thank you Lord that the little red head won't be at that one!!!!! =)

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Green thumb....KINDA!!!!

We are growing banana peppers here in Hoss's World!!!  And attempting some cucumbers.....I've got an AWESOME plant...but have only gotten 1 cucumber from it!!!!

While I'm busy growing veggies.....Hoss is snoozing and taking in the's a hard life he lives!!!!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

There has been lots of craziness going on here in Hoss's World.  And lots of eye opening experiences.  And everytime we learn one more little lesson from all of it!!!!

And the funny thing about having this blog is that it's mine & I get to tell you what I want about these experiences.

But to save you from falling asleep at the computer I'm gonna say this..........I THOUGHT things where going to be different and almost heading in a direction that was good & then as usual I was proved wrong!!!!  I was proved that yet again putting myself out there was the wrong thing to do & that the situation won't get any better!

BUT I learned that my little corner of the world with Hoss & DH back in the woods where the creeks run and you can sit on the front porch & just watch the traffic go by is where I would much rather be.  Some people unfortunately don't have one of those little corners and if you don't you are more than welcome here at ours. 

I think that's what we get back to the basics of things.   You know the basics.......where family is important, you don't always run around like a chicken with your head cut off, you can take a few minutes every day and spend sometime with the Lord.  Tell him that you are thankful for the wonderful things that he has blessed you with.  The basics of as a wife you make sure that your home is taken care of before you take care of things out in the world.  The basics of you let the Lord & your husband lead you in the way you should conduct your life.....NOT the world and others in the world.

What are your basics?????

Take some time this weekend and work on your basics....I'm going to!!!!

Saturday, July 16, 2011


Just listened to Louis Zamperini on facing hardships on Digital SUCCESS

I think no.......I KNOW you'll get something out of this like I did!!!!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Wouldn't you LOVE to have a smile like this all the time!!!!  He ALWAYS a smiling happy guy!!!!  I've decided this past few days to have this attitude & smile big cheesy happy smiles like this!!!  And let the record show that I have accomplished alot, been a happier person, not let things bother me as much!!!  PLUS my house has been happier!!!  I read somewhere a few days ago that before a wife is to go out & o things & be involved in all kinds of stuff outside the house she FIRST needs to make sure her home life is in order!!!
Now you might not be able to eat off the floor yet at my house.....but I'm working on getting things in order here first.  Yes I have to work outside of the house!!!  I have 2 jobs....but my first job is being a faithful, loving, supportive wife to my wonderful hubby AND being THE BEST daughter to my Father in Heaven that I can.  And making HIM proud of me everyday in EVERYTHING I do!!!!
And when I get to Heaven and He says...well done daughter well done!!!  I will be beaming with joy!!!!!!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

I made this Punch Bowl Cake for the 4th!!  It was super easy!
I just made up a white cake mix (my mother in law would HATE me saying that!!), let it cool & then cut it in small squares.  Crumbled some of the cake on the bottom of the bowl, layered with sugar free vanilla pudding, then sugar free Cool Whip, the a can of cherry pie filling, more cake, more Cool Whip, Blueberry pie filling & then topped it with more Cool Whip!!!

YUMMY & very very easy!!!!!

I also made cookies with icecream in them & red, white & blue cupcakes!!!!  And now since my mouth is watering for something sweet I'm gonna go raid the fridge!!!! LOL!!!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Good morning everyone!!!!  Today is a rough day!!!  And it's only 9:30 LOL!!!! 

I usually would be showing you the great wonderfully magnificent pictures of the fireworks that went off last night BUT due to people & circumstances out of my control we didn't get to see the fireworks last night !!! 

And now today cuz my mind is racing all over the place as I'm back to work after a 3 day weekend....I can't get my thoughts together.  I have ideas in my head that need to be worked on.  I don't want to be at work today....I didn't even want to get up out of the bed!!!! PLUS it's supposed to rain this it's gloomy YUCK YUCK YUCK!!!

So my prayer today is for strength to figure out where I need to be.  Strength to deal with the problems that arise!  Strength to remember that I have SOMONE standing beside me holding my hand thru all this craziness & He WILL lead me thru the day!!!!

Oh and energy cuz I think I forgot that at home!!!! LOL!!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Bathroom Goodies

Hosser & I organized the bathroom goodies the other day!!!!  Just saying I THINK I have a good amount of toothpaste. 

This is his....OK Mom I'm done with this now...can I PLEASE go outside??

And this is his.....see this is where I wanna go!!!!  Out & play in the front yard.  Just in case I didn't know exactly where it was he wanted to go!!!!