
Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas

We wish you a Merry CHRISTmas!!!  May you & yours have a wonderful holiday!!!!!!

The Polar Express guessed it.......this week we went on the Polar Express train ride!!!  Yeah us & my parents.  No kids in tow....just 4 CRAZY adults acting silly.   I would highly suggest that ANYONE with kids take this train ride. 

Yes that's the bad I couldn't get my moms face....cuz she almost at the point of jumping up & down like the 4 & 5 year old kids were.

Here is the inside of our car.  We got on the train & off we went to the North Pole.  On the way there we read "The Polar Express" book & had

The North Pole was full of lights & all kinds of wonders!! 

And guess who got on the train with us

Yeppers good ole St. Nick himself!!!!!!!  And as you can see Mom was very excited that she got her book signed & even got a special treat (a bell...but shhhhhh I didn't tell you that secret!!!!).

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Christmas Decorations

I had a little helper today while I worked on some Christmas decorations.....

We spray painted letters (probably should have put them in the order of the word for you...sorry!!!)

Decorated the Christmas trees outside.  Here is to hoping that my little helper doesn't decide to undecorate the trees for me.

Then we moved inside.........and I might not have a fireplace but I do have alittle ledge over my bar that I decorated.......lights, greenery, ornaments....I think it turned out pretty good if I must say so myself.

And to finish it all off......I had lots of

When the decorating was done for the day!!!!!!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Oh I wish......

So IF I had a fireplace and mantel I would SO want it to look like this for the holidays........

Doesn't Chris over at Just a Girl do a wonderful job!!!

And Broyill has a really cool bedroom set that I would LOVE

think I can talk Scotty I mean Santa into this for Christmas?

And I'm thinking once I get the horse alittle older we need this couch

Man Broyhill would be loving Santa this year uh?????

Monday, December 7, 2009


This is so how my desk looked this afternoon by 2:30.  I did really good all morning & kept the flow of paperwork under control.......after lunch it totally looked like someone had puked paperwork all over it.  Do you think tomorrow is going to be any better??????

Saturday, December 5, 2009

The FIRST Saturday of December

And what has it brought........well this morning while I was in Asheville there was BEAUTIFUL SNOW falling!!!  I got home to see NOTHING!!!!   I LOVE the south!!!!! 

I've got some styrofoam Christmas trees I'm gonna make this afternoon....hopefully while watching Texas win their ball game.  I'll post those later.  Oh and I have to finish the outside decorations....helps that it is like 35 degrees outside....gets me in the decorating mode!!!!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Christmas Decorations

I so am in love with this Christmas decoration that I found on you gotta go check it out. I'm telling you she is so very smart. She is making decorations from just paper that she has in her house!!!!!!!