2 cups of mashed strawberries
to which you add 4 cups of sugar.....I know I know...but you want sweet jam don't ya!!!!!
and you let that sit for 10 mins which is the LONGEST 10 mins of your life!!!!
See I told ya.....long 10 mins!!!!!
Then you mix together a box of pectin & 3/4 cup of water.....bring to boil stirring constantly...let boil (while stirring) for 1 min
Then combine the pectin mix to the strawberries...stir about 3 mins til all the sugar is dissolved.
Pour in containers leaving about 1/2 inch @ top.....put lids on & let sit room temp & then place in freezer!!!!!
Looks good doesn't it!!!!!! And easy peasy!!!!
But I do have one suggestion.......when you are pouring the strawberry mixture into the container......put a towel under the containers!!!! Helps with the clean up!!!

It does look yummy!!! : )